Clean Energy BC is excited to announce that a field trip to two in-operation project sites, at Upper + Lower Mamquam River, has been added to the GENERATE2023 agenda on June 11th.Details:– Guided tours (by the operators) of project sites…
The Clean Energy Association of BC (CEBC) would like to invite First Nations in British Columbia to attend our annual Generate conference taking place June 12-13th at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel. CEBC is pleased to announce that we are able to provide financial assistance…
Know Someone who deserves recognition for achievements in the clean energy sector in BC? THEN NOMINATE THEM!
CEBC presents four annual awards recognizing individuals and companies that have excelled in their field of discipline. The awards will be presented during the Awards…
Dear Clean Energy BC Members,Please save the date for the 33rd Annual General Meeting of our membership on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 12:30pm. This meeting will be in-person on the second day of the Generate conference at the Sheraton…