On October 25, 2021 the province released its Roadmap to 2030 plan. The plan contains measures to close the emissions gap that remained from the announcement of CleanBC in 2018. The plan includes climate actions to achieve greenhouse gas emission reduction goals by 2030 and net zero emissions by...
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TransLink is leading the development of Transport 2050, Metro Vancouver's next 30-year transportation strategy. In 2019, during Phase 1, stakeholders shared values, concerns, priorities, and ideas for the future. Earlier this year, during Phase 2, Translink asked for input on goals and "three transformative actions"...
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On September 28th, 2021, Premier John Horgan announced BC Hydro’s low carbon Electrification Plan. The Clean Energy Association of BC (CEBC) welcomes the new plan as a step in the right direction, as it has been calling for the Government…