CEBC Represents at Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER) Summit

CEBC Members and Friends,We are pleased to share that our Senior Government Relations Advisor, Jack Magnus, attended the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER) Summit this week on behalf of CEBC. There, he engaged with legislators and public servants from British…

Clean Energy BC Awards: Call for Nominations

Do You Know Someone Who Deserves Special Recognition for Achievements in the Clean Energy Industry?

CEBC presents four annual awards recognizing individuals and companies that have excelled in their field of discipline. The awards will be presented during the Networking…

CEBC Member Newsletter February 2022

BC's plan to meet its emission reductions targets under the 2015 Paris Agreement is on a path to fail, according to an analysis from several energy experts, produced by several experts at the University of British Columbia's Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) last month using...
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CEBC Member Newsletter January 2022

The International Energy Agency (IEA) recently issued its Canada 2022 Energy Policy Review, which includes “energy policy recommendations to help Canada effectively manage the transformation of its energy sector in line with its goals”...
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CEBC Member Newsletter November-December 2021

In a recent Business in Vancouver article, Clean Energy Canada Executive Director Merran Smith and special adviser Mark Zacharias emphasized that a radically retooled economic plan is required for BC to seize a first-mover advantage in the global economic transition. The article cites BC's well-educated, diverse workforce, access...
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CEBC Webinar: Connecting BC Climate and Energy Policy

Webinar: Connecting BC Climate and Energy Policy

Join Us for a Discussion on BC Energy & Climate Policy 

Clean Energy BC invites you to join a webinar discussion on recent BC developments in energy and climate policy, and how they…

CEBC Member Newsletter October 2021

On October 25, 2021 the province released its Roadmap to 2030 plan. The plan contains measures to close the emissions gap that remained from the announcement of CleanBC in 2018. The plan includes climate actions to achieve greenhouse gas emission reduction goals by 2030 and net zero emissions by...
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First Nations Energy Summit 2021

First Nations Energy Summit 2021 Led by the New Relationship Trust, BC First Nations have set a course for securing a place in BC’s electricity markets. This two-day event discussed plans to create a First Nations Power Authority in BC…