Clean Energy BC (CEBC) is pleased to announce two workshops at GENERATE2024 related to financing and funding for First Nations-led and partnered projects in the Call for Power and the $140 million BCICEI program at New Relationship Trust (NRT).

On May 23 and 24 at 11:00am on both days, Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) will be delivering a workshop titled, “Enabling Economic Reconciliation – Canada Infrastructure Bank.”
The workshop will explore the Indigenous Equity Initiative providing Indigenous loan packages to winning bidders in BC’s Call for Power (

Speaker: Hillary Thatcher, Canada Infrastructure Bank, Managing Director, Investments

On May 24, 9:30-10am, New Relationship Trust (NRT), along with the BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation and BC Hydro will be hosting a workshop on the proposed $140 million  “BC Indigenous Clean Energy Initiative (BCICEI)” funding stream that is intended to support smaller projects under 15MW (i.e. projects that are not eligible for the Call for Power). 


The British Columbia Indigenous Clean Energy Initiative (BCICEI) provides funding for First Nations, tribal councils, and organizations majority owned by First Nation communities for energy efficiency projects, feasibility studies, project design and engineering, environmental reviews, and permitting for renewable energy projects. The program supports on-grid and remote off-grid communities.

In June 2023, the Province of British Columbia announced a contribution of $140 million to the New Relationship Trust to expand the BCICEI and further support distribution-scale, Indigenous-led clean energy projects. Interest earned from the endowment is now being used to support existing BCICEI funding streams; please refer to the New Relationship Trust website for more information. 

The Province, New Relationship Trust, BC Hydro, and Pacific Economic Development Canada are developing a new BCICEI funding stream to help offset the higher anticipated cost of distribution scale power projects (e.g. < 15 MW in size) relative to large-scale projects (e.g. 30-50 MW in size).  A discussion paper on the new funding stream will be released in Spring 2024. This workshop will be one of several opportunities to provide feedback on the discussion paper.

The Canada Infrastructure Bank and New Relationship Trust play key roles in advancing economic reconciliation and holding up FN leadership in clean energy.

CEBC will host GENERATE2024, BC’s largest clean energy conference, on May 23+24 at the Westin Bayshore in Vancouver, BC. Click here to see the conference webpage and to register.