June 21, 2021 is the 25th annual National Indigenous Peoples Day! Clean Energy BC works closely with numerous First Nations and Indigenous organizations, and we are happy to share resources for public education and engagement. Using the following linked text, we encourage you to learn more about National Indigenous Peoples Month and Day, the process of reconciliation, and various events and celebrations.

As we celebrate Indigenous Nations today on National Indigenous Peoples Day, we reaffirm the goal of the clean energy industry to advance reconciliation in partnership with Indigenous peoples. We do this through our words and our actions, taken in respect and appreciation of the value that Indigenous Peoples bring to organizations and communities.

We have a long legacy to overcome, yet we are optimistic that the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in British Columbia and Canada will provide us with the guidance needed to achieve a future wherein Indigenous Peoples can flourish. We are steadfast in our commitment to working honourably and successfully with our Indigenous members, partners, and all Indigenous Nations.